Getting Quality with Acupuncture & Supplements

Feb 25, 2020

Quality over quantity is my motto when it comes to fresh IVF cycles. A number of women have said to me that they want to have many follicles for retrieval. The women go on to explain that they have read blogs and spoke to their friends going through IVF and want more follicles like they have. Isn’t it interesting though that the same women who speak about having more than a dozen follicles, don’t ever tell you that from the 28 eggs retrieved, 12 were healthy, 8 fertilized, and 3 made it to Day 5 blastocyst stage?

Meanwhile, we have patients receiving acupuncture on a regular basis and who adhere to their diet and supplement consumption go on to have 8 mature eggs, 6 fertilize, and 5 that make it to Day 5 blastocyst stage!

How do we get healthy follicles/eggs with acupuncture? Acupuncture has shown to increase blood circulation to the reproductive organs, thereby allowing more nourishment to the ovaries. Think of it this way- If a water hose had a bunch of marbles sitting in it and you tried to water your garden, you would notice that there is not that much water coming out. The plants would probably not do so well without this important resource. If you removed the marbles and used the hose, the water flow would improve and your plants have a better chance of thriving.

I believe there are a number of supplements that can also affect the quality of the eggs and endometrium.

Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins- One of our favorite products is Nutrametrix Isotonix OPC3. The supplement contains Pycnogenol, Grape Seed extract, red wine extract, Bilberry Extract and bioflavonoids. All of these ingredients help your body to produce healthier and stronger cells, providing you with better health.

Methylfolate– This is still folate, just broken down to help the body absorb better. Remember folate is crucial in pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects. I’ve had some patients want to wait to take folate until they are pregnant. Why? I don’t believe that is a smart move. Isn’t it better to have the nutrients already in your blood system so the embryo can have the best chance for survival? Though folate is found in your prenatal, it is recommended you take an additional supplement.

Prenatal vitamins– We can’t keep our Nutrametrix Isotonix Prenatal vitamins on the shelf! They fly off the shelf because of its tasty flavor and ease of use, patients never forget tot take them! Prenatal vitamins have essential vitamins and minerals to support implantation and pregnancy. I would also recommend a prenatal when you are in your 20’s to improve key vitamins and minerals essential for future fertility. Continuing with prenatal also after giving birth is not harmful either and will help from labor recovery.

L- Arginine– This is an amino acid that helps with vasodilation and helps stimulate the release of insulin. Remember, protein is needed for eggs to get QUALITY!

Vitamin D– The active form of Vitamin D (calcitriol) controls genes involved in making estrogen and genes involved with implantation. During pregnancy, Vitamin D helps with immune cells in the uterus helping to fight any harmful infections during the pregnancy.

I always tell my patients it is important that we build a solid foundation before building a house. Think of all of these supplements and acupuncture as being the ingredients for your cement.


Our practice serves Sugar Land, Houston, Katy, Missouri and surrounding areas in Texas.

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